Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

My First Day 2

*before you read this post, it''ll be better if you read "My First Day 1".

Setelah aku selesai perwalian, aku berkumpul dengan teman2 ku lagi. Rasanya lamaaaa sekali gak ketemu ma mereka. (ya padahal sih emang lama, 2 bln).. Hihihihi.. Seneng banget bisa berkumpul ma mereka lagi. Tapi siang itu kita malah sibuk ngurus ini itu (cuma aku 'n cem sih kayak'e yang sibuk, hehe). Aku ngurus berkas2 buat daftar part-time job, cem rapat. Pas ke BARA, eh malah rame anak2 MABA. Ya udah akhirnya kita ke Pernik dulu buat foto. Aku sebenernya cuma butuh foto 3x4 2 lembar. Karena itu di foto box ya udah sisanya foto aku ma temen2.. Sumpah! Gockil abis dah foto2 kita.. Hahahaha.. :D

Setelah itu, chan n wiwin pulang. Terus aku n cem balik ke kos. Eh ternyata aku belum buat application letter'nya.. Akhirnya buat surat ntu dulu deh abiz tu langsung berangkat ke tempat tujuan bersama ncem.. hehe.. Hmm, begitu sampai disana aku langsung ngasih surat lamaran itu ke receptionist na.. Abiz itu aku gak langsung pulang ke kos karena masih capek. jadi, aku duduk dulu ma cem sambil nunggu waktu cem ngajar.. Nah, pas aku lagi duduk2 tuh, kakak angkatan ku datang (sebut saja kak "K'" dan kak "N").. Si kak "K" itu tanya ma cem, "Mil, itu adik kamu ya?". Nah, cem kan bingung. Dia pikir yang dimaksud tu anak lesnya cem yang duduk di sebelah aku. Eh, lha ternyata kok aku.. Ya aku ma cem langsung ketawa.. Hahahahhaahhaa......... Terus cem bilang kalo aku tu temene dia n anak ED juga.. Eh, malah kak "K" kaget.. Hadeh kak,,, maklum aku bukan orang terkenal.. Huhuhu... (kasihan banget siih gak kenal aku kak)... wkwkwkwkwk....... :P

Yah,,, berhubung udah jam 15.30 aku harus balik ke kos karena cem juga mau ngajar.. Ku berjalan menelusuri jalan sepanjang dari tempat les sampai ke kos....... sendirian...... Hiks.. Hiks.. Begitu sampai kos, aku langsung merebahkan badan di atas kasur yang gak begitu empuk (tp lumayan lah).. Hufh.. Cuapeknyo hari ini.. Dah tadi lari2 buat perwalian, terus bolak-balik kampuz, ke tempat les, dan ini di kos lagi.. Hufh.. Gak apa2 lah.. Semoga usaha ku ini membawa berkah.. Amin.. ^^

to be continued again...

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

My First Day 1

It's my first day in Salatiga since I have been in a very long holiday. Actually, I am exhausted because of a long journey from my hometown. I left my home at 5 am. At first, I planned to take Solo bus from Pekalongan. It usually comes at 5.30 or 6 am. However, there was not any Solo bus coming on this morning. And, it was 6 am. I had waited for an hour. So, I tried to wait for the next tenth minutes. Hope that there was a miracle which brought Solo bus for me. But, it's nothing. There wasn't any Solo bus. At last, I decided to take Semarang bus first then Solo bus from Kaligawe. Then, at 6.15 am I took Semarang bus. The long journey began.

During the journey, I was so asleep that I couldn't open my eyes anymore. Then, I slept. When I wake up, it was in Semarang. While I was waiting till the bus arrived in Kaligawe, I looked at my watch. Oh My God?!! It has been 9 am. I have to hurry because I have an advising appoinment with my advisor (Ci'kwan). So, when I had arrived in Kaligawe, I got off the bus and walked across the street and got on the Solo bus. Luckily, the bus directly went to toll road and very fast. I thought that may be I wouldn't have anough time to meet her because it was almost 10.30 am. Finally, I arrived in campus at 10.30 so I walked quickly to her office. Lucky me, she was still there and I asked if I still had time to advising. Then she said yes. Alhamdulillah.. I wrote my RMK sheets quickly till I felt that I was out of breath. I was really tired. Eventually, I have finished with my advising time so that tomorrow I don't have to come again before I go home. I was absolutety relieved.

to be continued...